Saturday 15 November 2014

Week 6: Implementing technology in my classes

Well, the big day has arrived! I started implementing my technology solution in my class on Thursday.
Photo Courtesy:

First of all, the students were a bit surprised we were not having our class in the usual place (our one computer-one overhead projector-no Internet classroom) but in the computer laboratory with twenty computers, all with broadband connections. The surprise was positive, I would say. They liked the idea of changing the setting a bit.,1304150905,2/stock-vector-cartoon-computer-and-phone-face-icon-76235668.jpg
Photo Courtesy:,1304150905,2/stock-vector-cartoon-computer-and-phone-face-icon-76235668.jpg
The next surprise came a few seconds afterwards when they realized not all the computers were on, but one computer per two of them. Some of them started browsing the Net right away, while the others sat quietly awaiting my instructions.

I asked for them to recall the concept of WebQuest I had introduced a week before. We had a few-minute discussion and then I gave them all the link to our WebQuest for the day. Luckily, there were no technological issues and they could all open the link.

The group discussion was triggered right away, the moment they saw the first page of the WebQuest. I believe the photo I used was very inspiring to them.

I used the overhead projector to project the WebQuest for the whole class to be able to see it and then gave them instructions on how it was to be used. I browsed the pages of the WebQuest for them to see what they offer, all of them just fired off questions since this form of instruction was very new for everyone.

When we came to the final point of what their WebQuest "product" should be (in this case an oral presentation) I gave a short oral presentation as a sample of what they should strive for. I even earned myself a round of applause! :)

They all got down to their WebQuests and I could see real interaction among them. Even the quite ones started talking. And they were taking notes, which was pretty much of a surprise!,1302593405,3/stock-vector-cartoon-kids-with-computer-vector-illustration-75089869.jpg
Photo Courtesy:,1302593405,3/stock-vector-cartoon-kids-with-computer-vector-illustration-75089869.jpg
Unfortunately, some of them resorted to using Serbian language so I had to intervene and ask them to use English as much as possible.

When I called it a day, an hour and a half later, one of the students remarked: "Wow, the time really flies!". So my conclusion is that this first step was a successful one.

The next day, on Friday. We got back to our regular class setting and I used the usual way of teaching using PPT to go into a bit more detail on what their presentations should look like. We went through the useful language section and discussed the language I used in my sample presentation the day before. I also used the PPT presentations I attached in the WebQuest for them to explore, so we did that together.

I must admit I was very glad to hear one of the students tell me how she and her pair had already met the night before and worked on the oral presentation.

Almost all the students had gone through the WebQuest again when they got home the nigt before and they all commented on the appropriateness of the rubric provided.

Some of them asked me on the usage of online dictionaries (the links were provided in the WebQuest), so (even though I had already introduced online dictionaries in one of the classes a few weeks earlier) I gave them a short introduction to using dictionaries, both online and paper ones. Some of them asked for recommendations, as well, which led to a short class discussion on what dictionaries they individually use or have at their homes. 

I really hope the initial enthusiasm does not phase off till next Thursday when they are all supposed to give their oral presentations in the class.


  1. Hello Gordana!

    Take my sincere congrats with your truly "BIG PROJECT". I liked the way you introduced your Ss to WebQuest. Way to go!

    Best regards,
    Kazakhstan, Almaty

  2. Thanks Zulyar!

    I hope their enthusiasm and hard-work continues in the weeks to come!


  3. Thank you for sharing your experience! I've also prepared a webquest for my Ss.
    My Ss also like it when I take them to a computer lab, they enjoy doing the exercises there and working on their own in their own pace. And also, they use Slovene in the classroom too many times.

  4. Hi Gordana,

    I had almost the same experience with my students. They were so excited and happy. By the way, I had a look at your WebQuest and found so many similarities. We have even unknowingly used the same photo in the evaluation page. It seems we have similar likes.

    As you have mentioned earlier, I will look forward to you visiting Kolkata. It will be my pleasure to show you around the city.

    Best of luck for everything,

  5. Hi Janja and Sharmila!

    Thanks for the nice words!

    Sharmila, I have seen the similarities between our WebQuests :) It was really fun to see how we have chosen the same photos. Yes, seems we have similar likes :)

    Thanks for the kind invitation to India! At the moment it seems a mere wish but you never know... If you ever decide to visit Serbia, it will be my pleasure to be your host!

    Best of luck to us all with the new technologies!

  6. Hi Gordana,

    Your blog post provides an excellent account of your experiences with the first steps of implementing your technological change. It's so exciting! I LOVE hearing that your student said, "Wow, the time really flies!"

    The fact that your students visited your Webquest outside of class, without being required to, further confirms that learners of today are motivated by and interested in technology. Also, your promoting learner autonomy through using Webquest. Students are taking charge of their own earning. It's wonderful!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences! They truly are inspiring!

    1. Hi Courtney,

      Thank you for the encouraging words! Implementing new technology is really exciting, both for me and my students.

      I cannot wait to hear their final oral presentations!
