Saturday 25 October 2014

Week3: Oh...that's what a project report should look like!

One of Week3 tasks was to review a project report from a previous course participant. I was struggling to decide which one to choose. Joanna Zubel's and Prem Bahadur Phyak's projects were shortlisted.
I've chosen the latter for one reason: the project author managed to incorporate technology-based activities into a class of students most of whom have never heard of the Internet or e-mail before.
The mere fact that there are such places in the World where master students of the English Language have never heard of the Internet, nor have they ever used e-mail, was flabbergasting. Even more astonishing was the fact that their teacher managed to incorporate technology into their classes! I'm sure that was a life-changing event for them.
As for me, I've found this truly inspiring. Thank you Prem Bahadur Phyak!

Week3: My Delicious!

I've found out about! I don't know why it has never struck me before that there could be something like that. It is so obviously necessary to anyone using the Internet for any purpose! I don't know how I've lived without it, but I know for sure my life is going to be so much easier from now.
My Precious! My Delicious! :)
Photo Courtesy:

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Week3: (Un)fairly neglected pronunciation

I have started off this week by reading on building aural/oral skills in teaching. The articles were really instructive and interesting.
They also led me into refreshing my memory on a course I was taking during my studies called English Phonetics. I burst out laughing when I remembered myself on a Monday morning at 6 am practicing the pronunciation of English vowels (aloud, of course),  and my roommate (a student of Mathematics) peeking out from behind her quilt in disbelief.
Even though Serbian people are commonly known as having an ear for languages, I am left with a feeling that pronunciation is unfairly neglected in English language classes. Will do my best to incorporate it into my teaching. Promise!